The Flowers of Evil
The Flowers of Evil
The Flowers of Evil is a 2019 Japan Drama, Romance, Thriller It stars Kentaro Ito, Tina Tamashiro, Shiori Akita, Marie Iitoyo. A high school student steals the panties of a girl he likes but is witnessed, which sets off a chain of events that send his life and the lives of others around him out of control.
- Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
- Country: Japan
- Cast: Kentaro Ito, Tina Tamashiro, Shiori Akita, Marie Iitoyo, Miho Kitagawa, Takara Sakumoto, Taketo Tanaka, Wakana Matsumoto, Asuka Kurosawa, Kazuya Takahashi, Sumie Sasaki, Maki Sakai, Shingo Tsurumi