Ajin Senshi
Ajin Senshi
Ajin Senshi is a 1990 Japan Science Fiction, Fantasy, Animation It stars Yasunori Matsumoto, Naoko Matsui, Kosei Tomita, Yu Shimaka. In the year 2200 an interstellar war is held where the weapons most frequently used are the psychic capacities. The hero, Zero, son of an earthling and an extraterrestrial, the prince and last survivor of a clan of magicians. He will fight against the army of the Manjidara empire, whose forces are such as its head ambition to control the whole universe.
- Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Animation
- Country: Japan
- Cast: Yasunori Matsumoto, Naoko Matsui, Kosei Tomita, Yu Shimaka, Kenichi Ogata, Toshiharu Sakurai, Kei Tomiyama, Mitsuo Senda, Shigezo Sasaoka, Yuzuru Fujimoto, Motomu Kiyokawa, Kenyu Horiuchi, Shinya Ôtaki, Takumi Yamazaki, Cho