Japanese Girls Never Die
Japanese Girls Never Die
Japanese Girls Never Die is a 2016 Japan Drama, Comedy It stars Yu Aoi, Mitsuki Takahata, Taiga Nakano, Shono Hayama. While a gang of high school girls randomly beats lone men at night, the photo of a young woman who has been declared missing is used to design a template which is painted on each wall of a small suburban town.
- Genre: Drama, Comedy
- Country: Japan
- Cast: Yu Aoi, Mitsuki Takahata, Taiga Nakano, Shono Hayama, Huwie Ishizaki, Akiko Kikuchi, Maho Yamada, Motoki Ochiai, Serina, Kanon Hanakage, Yûrei Yanagi, Tomiyuki Kunihiro, Ryo Kase, Miyu Andô