Shock is a 1946 United States of America Drama, Horror, Thriller It stars Vincent Price, Lynn Bari, Frank Latimore, Anabel Shaw. In this thriller, psychiatrist Dr. Cross kills his wife and expects to get away with murder, until he discovers that the slaying was observed by a next-door neighbor, Janet Stewart. As Janet attempts to convince her husband of the doctor's dastardly deed, Cross shows up to advise him that Janet is in dire need of some in-depth counseling.
- Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
- Country: United States of America
- Cast: Vincent Price, Lynn Bari, Frank Latimore, Anabel Shaw, Stephen Dunne, Reed Hadley, Renee Carson, Charles Trowbridge, Robert Adler, Harry Carter, Ruth Clifford, John Davidson, Selmer Jackson, Ruth Nelson, George E. Stone