Death Water
Death Water
Death Water is a 2006 Japan Drama, Horror, Mystery It stars Haruka Igawa, Mio Suzuki, Atsuro Watabe, Mami Yamasaki. Newspaper correspondent Kyoko Togakure visits a nursing home in the outskirts of Tokyo. She finds the dead body of a resident. It was an apparent suicide. He's holding a piece of paper with the mystifying word "Death Water" written on it. Nearby are blood-stained scissors, and his eyes are squashed. She has no idea that this death is just the beginning of a horrendous nightmare.
- Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery
- Country: Japan
- Cast: Haruka Igawa, Mio Suzuki, Atsuro Watabe, Mami Yamasaki, Shin Yazawa, Hitomi Miwa, Sachi Jinno