Queer is a 2024 Italy, United States of America Drama, Romance It stars Daniel Craig, Drew Starkey, Jason Schwartzman, Lesley Manville. In 1950s Mexico City, William Lee, an American expat in his late forties, leads a solitary life amidst a small American community. However, the arrival in town of Eugene Allerton, a young student, stirs William into finally establishing a meaningful connection with someone.
- Genre: Drama, Romance
- Country: Italy, United States of America
- Cast: Daniel Craig, Drew Starkey, Jason Schwartzman, Lesley Manville, Henrique Zaga, Drew Droege, Omar Apollo, Andra Ursuta, Lisandro Alonso, Ariel Schulman, David Lowery, Daan de Wit, Colin Bates, Simon Rizzoni, Silverio Castro