Beloved Enemy
Beloved Enemy
Beloved Enemy is a 1936 United States of America Drama, Romance It stars Merle Oberon, Brian Aherne, Karen Morley, Henry Stephenson. In 1921, British Lord Athleigh arrives in Dublin with his daughter, Helen, to engage in peace talks. As wanted Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan is not recognized in public, he is able to move about freely and saves the Athleighs from an assassination attempt by a radical faction. Dennis and Helen meet again and, unaware of his position, Helen falls in love with him. Later when Dennis admits his identity, Helen must make a fateful decision.
- Genre: Drama, Romance
- Country: United States of America
- Cast: Merle Oberon, Brian Aherne, Karen Morley, Henry Stephenson, David Niven, Jerome Cowan, Donald Crisp, Ronald Sinclair, Granville Bates, P.J. Kelly, Leo McCabe, Pat O'Malley, Jack Mulhall, Claude King, Wyndham Standing