Neo Tokyo
Neo Tokyo
Neo Tokyo is a 1989 Japan Science Fiction, Animation, Adventure, Fantasy It stars Banjo Ginga, Masane Tsukayama, Hideko Yoshida, Iemasa Kayumi. A trilogy of separate stories. In "Labyrinth labyrinthos", a girl and her cat enter a strange world. In "Running Man", a racer takes on the ultimate opponent. In "Construction Cancellation Order", a man must shut down worker robots.
- Genre: Science Fiction, Animation, Adventure, Fantasy
- Country: Japan
- Cast: Banjo Ginga, Masane Tsukayama, Hideko Yoshida, Iemasa Kayumi, Hiroshi Ôtake, Yu Mizushima, Kazumi Tanaka, Yusaku Yara, Joji Yanami