Untitled Project
Untitled Project
Untitled Project is a 2021 Israel Drama, Romance, Thriller It stars Stav Tsuberi, David Gur, Omer Shemi, Idan Gilat. Stuck in existential boredom, two high school students start a bold and complex project: kidnapping their entire school. What was supposed to be an end-of-year film will become a chilling documentation of the chain of events that follows.
- Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
- Country: Israel
- Cast: Stav Tsuberi, David Gur, Omer Shemi, Idan Gilat, Idan Arama, Omer Afriat, Eran Ben-Ze'ev, Ronen Shemi, Ori Noaz, Dori Lass, Amit Gizbar, Asaf Shemi, Mai Benezra, Almog Afriat, Tomer Agmon